Sensitization Protocol, Reset your Relationship with Cannabis


Rob Sanchez

With all the positive, therapeutic and financial potentials of cannabis being super powered by the legal industry, moderation is rarely discussed. This can be an important topic for long time consumers and connoisseurs that may have noticed their tolerance rising and cannabis bills increasing over time. While many old adages about moderation come to mind, what about modern ways to address it?

You may have heard of folks taking something called a “T-Break” which is an extended tolerance break from cannabis. This is done to improve tolerance, willpower, mood, life situation, financial stress and more as all day everyday cannabis consumption can go south for folks or be less than ideal at times. It’s different for everybody, of course, and depends on the reason for consumption, biochemistry and life circumstances, but abstaining completely isn’t always needed or desired, and that’s where moderation comes in.

When tolerances are high, many resort to just using more cannabis to maximize its benefits. But the benefits of cannabis can diminish with increased use. I found this protocol online and have followed it a few times to curtail my consumption and reset my cannabinoid system. It has allowed me to maximze the effects of the cannabis products I consume and reduce the amount of said consumption for various reasons. Check it out if you want to lower your tolerance and increase your sensitivity so you can get the most out of it and have a successful, therapeutic relationship with cannabis.

The Sensitization Protocol by Dr. Sulak can help you find your optimal therapeutic dosage. This is a great alternative or supplement to taking “T-Breaks” from cannabis without completely abstaining for long periods. Instead, it helps to level-set your relationship and gets you back down to consuming a smaller amounts. Dustin Sulak deserves all the credit for this protocol and its methods, cheers doc.

The whole process starts with a two-day tolerance break where you fast from cannabis completely. In the next three days, you'll only have three cannabis sessions a day. However, you should only take as much as you need to feel the effects. During these three days, you'll find the right dosage for you and allow your cannabinoid receptors to get back to normal. By day six, you'll have a known dosage, a stronger willpower, and a more holistic approach to cannabis use. On his site there are more breathing exercises and endocannabinoid boosting foods listed that you may find helpful as well.

Day 1:

The goal is to re-sensitize.

  • Note how much cannabis you are currently using - quantity, inhalations, ect.

  • Make your cannabis fast intentional. Select a comfortable time and place to begin and view it as a positive event.

  • Let the fasting begin! Note the time and do not consume cannabis for 24 hours.

  • Make sure to exercise and drink plenty of water, tea can help with sleep as well.

Day 2:

The goal is to support your fast and increase your natural cannabinoid levels.

Congratulations, you have made it to day 2! You only have 24 hours left in your fast. Your body has developed more cannabinoid receptors and will continue to do so.

To make the last 24 hours easier, remember to support your fast with exercise and hydration.

Day 3:

Goal: To feel the slightest or minimal effect of cannabis

  • Assess your “inner inventory” and use it before and after you use cannabis.

  • Keep it slow and wait the required time between each inhalation of cannabis.

  • NOTE: Listen to your body and don’t over do it. Less cannabis is more.

  • Stop if you feel a slight effect and continue with your day.

  • You may consume via this procedure up to 3 times per day on Day 3.

  • Keep on exercising and drinking water to help with sleep, energy and hunger or lack of all three.

Day 4:

Goal: To continue to feel the slightest or minimal effect of cannabis.

Today, you are continuing to increase your sensitivity to cannabis and build more cannabinoid receptors.

  • Continue assessing “inner inventory” before and after consumption.

  • Track your progress on the worksheet available here or use a notebook or google doc.

  • Take it slow and wait the required time between each administration of cannabis.

  • NOTE: Listen to your body and don’t overdo it. Stop at the slightest effect.

  • You may consume via this procedure up to 3 times per day on Day 4.

  • Keep on exercising and drinking water to help with sleep, energy and hunger or lack of all three.

Day 5:

Goal: To build more cannabinoids receptors.

Your body continues to build more cannabinoid receptors and becomes more sensitive to cannabis. You are realizing that less cannabis is more effective.

  • Be sure to check your “inner inventory” before and after each treatment.

  • Track your progress on the worksheet available here or use a notebook or google doc.

  • Keep it slow and wait the required time between each administration of cannabis.

  • NOTE: Listen to your body and don’t overdo it. Stop at the slightest effect.

  • You may consume via this procedure up to 3 times per day on Day 5.

  • Keep on exercising and drinking water to help with sleep, energy and hunger or lack of all three.

Day 6:

Goal: To find your optimal therapeutic dosage.

Today, you will discover the lowest cannabis dosage needed to receive the optimal benefits. You will use the same procedure that you did on days 3 to 5, but this time you will increase the dose of cannabis beyond the minimal effect. Think of the symptomatic relief you want to achieve. Today, you should achieve that level of relief, using a very low dosage.

  • Use caution. It is important to use the minimum amount of cannabis in order to extract the maximum benefits from it.

  • Continue to use the worksheet to guide you through this process.

  • Increase your dosage slowly by checking your Inner Inventory and waiting the required time between each administration.

  • Stop the process once you feel the desired relief from your symptoms.

  • Use the next 2 to 3 sessions to confirm your dosage by repeating this process and waiting the required time in between. Once confirmed, you do not need to wait the time in between and can start at this optimal dosage.

Improve this process by using the Secret Breath. Its a technique that can turn one small inhalation of cannabis, via smoke or vaporizer, into the power of five to ten inhalations. This technique can drastically reduce your dosage, but it’s very powerful, so be cautious with it. If you use it too much you could end up back on the slippery slope building more tolerance to cannabis. You can even make a challenge out of it to see how small of a dose of cannabis you can consume to achieve the therapeutic effects you’re looking for.

Take a small puff and breathe in fresh air then begin exhaling with pursed lips. When you see smoke or vapor leave the lips start inhaling fresh air again and repeat the exhalation. Start with two repetitions of inhalation and exhalation. This creates pressure in the lungs to expand the surface area in the lungs and better absorb cannabinoids.

And that’s it, in seven days you can flip your cannabis consumption around and achieve that "state of being” or the effects desired without overloading the cannabinoid system and breaking the bank. Try it out if you’re interested but remember to talk with a doctor if you have any health concerns or questions. Visit for the complete cannabis Sensitization Protocol by Dr. Sulak.


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