Episode 102 - Victoria Lauren, Victoria Coaches

Episode 102 is the 48th episode of Season 2.

We're joined today by Victoria Lauren, Psychedelic Leadership Coach for Victoria Coaches, Tech Founder Coach at Bend Entrepreneur Lab and Executive Coach & Team Facilitator at Humessence.

Victoria has 15 years of experience in corporate roles that spanned sectors from energy to medical technology including startups and Fortune 100 companies. She harnesses her expertise to guide conscious leaders.

Her unique professional path was enriched by growing up between Alaska and Indonesia, an adventurous five-year sailing expedition to Ecuador and a year of van life in the Pacific Northwest. She lives in Bend, Oregon, with her husband and two cats.

Fueled by a passion for leadership, psychedelics and creativity she enables her clients at Victoria Coaches to break free from limiting mindsets, narratives and beliefs. Her calling is to unlock the fearless leader within, bringing nature's wisdom to the corporate jungle.

Find out more at victoriacoaches.com, bendentrepreneurlab.com and humessence.com.

Listen to her podcast on Spotify or Youtube.

Enjoy the show.


Episode 103 - David Paleschuck, Branding Bud


Episode 101 - Darren Gleeman, MBO Ventures