Episode 131 - Max Juhasz, Dope SEO

Episode 131 is the 77th episode of Season 2.

We’re joined today by Max Juhasz, Founder of Dope SEO.

Max has been passionate about the Cannabis Industry since before there was an industry. His turned his career in sales and marketing towards cannabis in the past 4 four years specializing in marketing and SEO for e-commerce.

At Dope SEO, you won’t find gimmicks, shiny suits or predatory contracts!

They have put together a passionate team of bad ass digital marketers who also happen to be cannabis enthusiasts. They love what they do and genuinely appreciate all of their clients and work to their fullest ability to get the best results possible.

Dope SEO has clients from coast to coast and understands what it takes to drive traffic and sales. The team has been behind the scenes in the industry for years and has helped clients make millions from online marketing.

Max also Co-Hosts the MITA Unshackled Podcast.

Find out more at dopeseo.com.

Enjoy the show.


Episode 132 - Marc Rodriguez, Green Leaf Business Solutions


Episode 130 - Nicholas Moore, Who Am I?