Episode 33 - Josh Kerbel - Frshminds

We're joined today by Josh Kerbel the CTO of Frshminds.

Frshminds is a beginner friendly resource for private Psychedelic retreats. From Psilocybin on the beach, to Ayahuasca in the jungle, you can find the style of healing you need across the globe, with participating destinations like Spain, Jamaica, Mexico, Ecuador and Brazil.

Frshminds has educational resources to help you prepare for all kinds of journeys as well.

Josh and Rob scratch the surface on the impact and state of psychedelics in general and the Psychedelics industry before trying to hypothesize on potential futures. The space is very new and could go any direction, but it is gaining momentum.

Josh has many years of experience in Canada’s Cannabis Industry before he made a home in Psychedelia.



Episode 34 - Charles Stockstill - The Old Man of the Mountain


Episode 32 - Cesar Marin - Cultivating Wisdom