Episode 81 - Gabriele Hilberg, GH Psychotherapy

Episode 81 is the 27th episode of Season 2.

We're joined today by Gabriele Hilberg a Phd, Marriage & Family Therapist and practicing Psychotherapist with over 30 years and 46 thousand hours logged working with people.

She's known for her ability to cut through to the core issues and create breakthroughs for individuals and teams by coaching them to unleash their own hidden creative potential. She is an expert in helping others find their own innovative solutions.

At Psycon Las Vegas she presented for a session called Pushing Beyond Prevailing Psycholgy Dogmas That Keep Clients Stuck. She proposed that psychedelia will allow humans to take the next evolutionary step when it comes to models of the mind, and mental health introducing a concept of the supraconsscious which has not been formally introduced to modern psychology and psychotherapy.

Challenging traditional assumptions she works with clients on the basis that they are whole and complete the way they are not damaged or broken by past traumas. While personality may be affected by said trauma and past events people at their core are still connected to unity and the spark of consciousness that gives us life. She asks us to throw out the term "Unworthy" as it has been exploited in the service of power and influence throughout human history and embrace a new era ushered in by psychedelics and improved therapeutic practices.

Connect with Gabriele on LinkedIn or visit her website gabrielehilberg.com for more information

Enjoy the show.


Episode 82 - Mike Mejer, Green Lane Communication


Episode 80 - Luna Stower, Ispire