Episode 90 - Larry Norris, Decriminalize Nature

Episode 90 is the 36th episode of Season 2.

We're joined today by Larry Norris, the Co-Founder and National Director of Decriminalize Nature and the Co-Founder and Executive Director of ERIE (Entheogenic Research, Integration and Education).

Larry has his PhD; he studied biopsychology and cognitive science as an undergraduate at the University of Michigan and defended his doctoral dissertation at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS).

His dissertation research reviewed archived ayahuasca experience reports to identify transformational archetypes and insights that could help inform developing models of integration (meaning-making). Larry has taught two graduate courses discussing similar themes - Entheogenic Education: Contemporary Perspectives on ancient plant wisdom at CIIS and Paradigms of Consciousness at John F. Kennedy University.

Decriminalize Nature (DN) started in Oakland in 2019. They advocate for the unalienable right to develop one’s own relationship with nature and aims to support efforts to decriminalize entheogenic plants and fungi (e.g., ayahuasca, iboga, cacti, mushrooms) at the city level.

As of 2023, 20 cities and 2 counties have decriminalized entheogenic plants and fungi nationwide. Larry is the co-lead for DN’s national outreach and supports many cities across the USA and internationally who are seeking to propose similar legislation to their local government. He is also helping to support grassroots, community-driven, bottom-up approach to entheogenic healing.

ERIE is located in Oakland, CA. It began as a student group at CIIS in 2011 and in 2015 was approved as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. It is dedicated to the development of community education, research and integration models related to entheogens.

Find out more at decriminalizenature.org and erievision.org

Enjoy the show.


Episode 91 - Tarrek Asous, Green Med Wellness Center


Episode 89 - Jack Grover, Grove Bags